31 May 2022 | All News
Welcome to our Impact Report 2021-22. It’s a story of continuing our positive impact on young people and communities, through championing and enabling volunteering and work experience opportunities to learn trade skills, whilst renovating community places and spaces in need.
As a CIC, we report on our impact annually, but for the first time we’ve put together and shared a ‘record of achievement’, our impact highlights throughout the year 2021-22.
Enabling volunteering to create social change
We’re passionate about the impact of volunteering to create real social change. It’s part of our three year vision to inspire more people to volunteer for the first time and/or more often in their communities – with the associated health and wellbeing benefits volunteering can bring.
- from helping our young people to upskill and consider construction as an engaging career pathway
- to local tradespeople volunteering their skills, experience and knowledge
- to our partners giving back as volunteers on site
- to our own people volunteering in their personal lives
- all to help build better places and spaces for communities to thrive
In the past year we’ve celebrated 10 Years of VIY, awarded our 5000th City & Guilds accreditation, expanded our team by 25%, which is now providing the expertise to help us to deliver impact for our young people and communities on a scale never seen before for VIY. Retaining a quality experience and expanding the horizons of the young people we support at the same time.
Tim Reading, CEO of VIY, said:
“The 2021-22 operating year for VIY has been a story of recommencing full delivery and bouncing back after a tough period of Covid lockdowns and restrictions. Our model has felt more relevant than ever with so many young people having been adversely affected by Covid and so many essential community facilities and venues struggling to survive.
So the past 12 months have also been a story of positive impact, as told by this report, for young people at risk and for local communities in need – and all fuelled by volunteering and a brilliant ‘team sheet’ of cross-sector partners and funders.”
We look forward to working with all of our funders, partners and organisations through 2022-23 and beyond. We love doing #SomethingConstructive with you all and long may we continue to positively impact the lives of young people and local communities together. Thank you for your continued support!