16 July 2024 | All News
Our VIY Impact Report for 2023–24 showcases a year of growth and impact, strengthened and new partnerships, and fantastic outcomes from our young people and teams.
Read our Impact Report 2023-24
Headlines include:
- Supporting over 1,500 young people towards brighter futures, building confidence, and helping many towards a sustainable career in construction
- Positively impacting local communities across the UK through 89 community projects, helping to reduce regional inequalities and help vital community spaces survive and thrive
- Awarding 1,245 Entry Level 3 City & Guilds accreditations – helping young people take that first step onto the construction career ladder
- Helping 39% of our NEET learners aged 16+ progress within 12 months* into education, further training or employment
- Collaboration is in our DNA – it’s thanks to our dedicated team and more cross-sector partners than ever before sharing the same mission and purpose to deliver wider, deeper, more sustainable impact for young people and local communities
*This figure relates to the progression of all 16+ NEET learners within 12 months of their VIY project, who have taken part in 2022-23 and 2023-24